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Friday, November 16, 2007

Choices, choices...

I was chatting with a friend, discussing the big protest in London by the Pakistani community.

The discussion came around to Hina Jilani and how so many people attended out of respect for her work.

My friend, in a fit of ire, goes, "But what is she doing outside when her sister is in jail in Pakistan?" My friend can exaggerate a little when annoyed (Asma Jahangir is under house arrest, not in jail).

I try to justify Hina Jilani's freedom in terms of her campaigning abroad, but realise that I was BS'ing... I have no idea what Ms. Jilani is thinking or planning, and it is not my concern to defend or to judge her... and then my friend utters the golden words, "NO, anyone who's not in jail should be ashamed. I know I am."

There has been much talk of the play-it-safe strategy of the youthful resistance to martial law. Very derisive too. It's a case of "who will bell the cat?"

Surely they can't put all of us in prison? Surely something needs to be done before more people decide that collaboration is the best strategy - a la Dawn News, Aaj TV, the gradually swelling ranks of the PCO judges, etc.

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